Finding the beauty in amongst the challenge...


It is still such a beautiful world.

This peacock butterfly posed for me on the dandelion!!

I swear the beautiful red butterfly with four jewelled markings on its wings deliberately came close, faced me and looked right at me. There are so many other places in the garden it could have landed.

Dandelions are popping up everywhere in my re-wilding space and I'm now seeing them as no-maintenance flowers and delighting in their glory.

I’m loving my lockdown habit of listening to surround-sound birdsong as I enjoy my outdoor breakfast.

Though the covid challenge is universal we are each having our own lockdown experience and there are many contrasts.

Some people are working harder than ever, longer hours, under more pressure and at higher risk than normal. Others have been furloughed and find themselves with an abundance of time. Some have lost income, others are earning, spending less and saving more. Some people are isolated, others are in company full time. For some virus spread is a matter of statistics, for others it’s painful up close and personal.

Whatever your situation, your mindset is the biggest factor in how you will experience this time and how you’ll come through it.

You can focus on the limits or the possibilities.

You can appreciate what you have or mourn what you've lost.

You can fantasise about worst case scenario outcomes or get excited about the ways in which things might be better in the post Corona world.

You can judge others for how they do or don't abide by lockdown rules or you can know that everyone is doing their best.

You can see this as an opportunity to experience new ways of life or you can wait for “real” life to resume when lockdown is over.

You can look at the media and conspiracy theories for bad news, blame and fear mongering or you can look for stories of individuals, communities and organisations doing their bit.

We’re not in control of life. Difficult things happen.

We do get to choose how we respond to those challenges.

As human beings we have free will. Consciously or unconsciously we choose our perspective. Our beliefs, actions and experience follow. We get more of what we focus our attention and energy on.

I’m not saying suppress all uncomfortable emotions or stick your head in the sand about what’s happening.  

It's natural to experience sad, angry, fearful feelings in these extreme and difficult times and important for our wellbeing to allow them when they come up.

It’s vital to adopt behaviours that slow the spread of corona virus.

Once those bases are covered though, remember this, as a human being you have a choice about what you think and how you act. In general, an empowering, optimistic mindset will help you and us all to have a more constructive lockdown and be in better shape when we come out the other side.

It is still such a beautiful world.

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