The only constant is change

“I feel deep down that my life is going through a fluid period at the moment... lots of change coming... so need to embrace it and roll with it” 

These wise words from a coaching client put him in a position of power. Sometimes we have more change to cope with than others. While navigating change can be destabilizing and tiring, the choice to lean into it makes the journey easier and often quicker and more fun, too.  

The alternative is resisting it. Resisting change takes a lot of energy and is, of course, futile. As Heraclitus said 2,000 years ago —

The only constant is change.
— Heraclitus

Although intellectually we may know this is true, neurologically our default is to avoid it at all costs. Leaning into change takes awareness, courage, and openness. These tips can help you to have an easier experience of change and come out the other side in good shape. 

How to embrace and roll with change: 

  • Recognise and name that change is afoot. 

  • Decide to embrace and roll with it, even if it is an unwanted change. 

  • When inevitably fears, doubts, and uncertainty crop up about your ability to cope with whatever lies ahead, know it’s just your lizard brain (wired to keep you safe). Your lizard brain regards the unknown as dangerous. It wants you to run back to familiar territory (better the devil you know). Remind yourself that fear is a normal part of change. Remind yourself that you have come through change before, and find examples where change led to positive new experiences.  

  • Practice self-care. When we have health, energy, and peace of mind, we feel strong and better equipped to handle change. You know what fills you with energy and calm, do more of it. You also know what makes you feel rubbish. Do less of it. 

  • Look after your mindset. Cultivating optimism, confidence and faith in yourself and your ability to come through this will enhance your creativity, problem-solving, and opportunity-spotting skills. A simple way to do this is to focus on the GAIN, how far you’ve already come, rather than the GAP between where you are now and where you want to be. (I recommend ‘The Gap and the Gain: The High Achievers Guide to Happiness, Confidence and Success’ by Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy) 

  • Be patient. Change takes time and is not a linear process. Resist the urge to push and drive and if you feel yourself trying to control and fix everything all at once know that you’ve just dipped into fear. Step back. Take a break. Do something enjoyable and unrelated to the changes you are making.

  • Find and create moments to enjoy the journey and get excited about the benefits that are coming your way. Vibrating with positive energy will attract more of the same.

  • Be your own cheerleader. Acknowledge yourself for all you are doing to navigate this change and celebrate progress as you go.   

  • Seek support. Change can be an enlivening, invigorating process and lead you to a previously only-dreamt-of better place.  


By investing in expert guidance, you will not only enhance the moment-to-moment experience of change, but you will also gift yourself the opportunity to find a new normal perfectly aligned with who you are and what is most meaningful to you.

Go from - “I am proud of what I’ve achieved in my life and my work but feel some regret/sadness that it has been at the expense of my personal fulfilment (looking back, I feel I’ve always done the ‘right’ thing, what’s expected of me). My life today doesn’t feel as full as I would like it to be and I feel jaded about my business, even though I’ve achieved a part step away and have lost a lot of the stress. My general mindset around work can be quite negative/cynical (been there, done that) – not a good way to be!” 
- Coaching client 2022

To the same coaching client a year later - “I’ve created a nurturing, happy, healthy life. I have wholeness. It doesn’t feel like there’s anything missing. I’m doing the things that matter to me. This is a great life I’m living.”

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