Joy before duty

Something I have got better at in recent years and I’m proud of myself for, is doing what makes me happy in the moment, rather than only once I’ve attended to my to-do’s. For those of us who’ve been conditioned to believe our value and purpose lies in productivity, outcomes and achievements, this is a BIG DEAL! This lesson is the most pivotal and has been the hardest to learn in my journey to what I call “living the life of my dreams on a daily basis”.  

It required replacing the fear of “falling behind” with faith that in the words of Julian of Norwich “all shall be well.” 

Today my plan was, morning - yoga, meditation, breakfast, work. Afternoon - walk. Then the weather forecast said by lunchtime storm Barra might be here. 

Although there was still a slight tug from the “rules” I lived by for the longest time – “work first play second,” deviating from my plan was easy. It was easy because I am temporarily here in the wilds of Scotland, the shoreline in front, hills behind, nature all around, drinking it all in is my priority.  

It was also easy because over recent years I have deliberately reprogrammed my belief system. 

I have practised being in the here and now and prioritizing joy over duty. 

My play muscles are well developed. 

And, I have empirical evidence that far from putting me back, taking opportunities for happiness as they arise nourishes me. 

Although my walk was an end in itself, not unusually, I arrived home inspired, energized, full of life and gratitude, and with this video for you.

Most often when I prioritize enjoyment, I get insight and ideas too. It enhances my “productivity”.  

As I type this blog up, I am feeling rather smug. The predicted wind and rain have arrived, doubly affirming my decision to make hay first, work second.

The view from my window

In the audience for the Dalai Lama more than a decade ago, the thing he said that jumped out at me was -

The purpose of life is to be happy.
— Dalai Lama

It contradicted my understanding. It was far from the belief system I had been raised with.  

Happily, it made a big impression. I recognized that if anyone is expert in this field, the Dalai Lama is.  

It planted a seed and gave me permission to try a different approach to life. I’ve been experimenting and implementing it for myself and helping others do the same ever since. 

With the benefit of tried and tested lived experience, I offer the wisdom of Saint Julian of Norwich and the Dalai Lama to you too. 

If you are ready for a leap of faith into a vital, vibrant and fulfilling way of life and would appreciate expert help and encouragement on your journey my New Chapter Transformation one to one coaching programme could be for you. Book a call with me to discover if we’re a fit.  

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