Not your average clients

Not your average clients

Characteristics common to most clients I work with are; passionate, hardworking, ambitious, caring, accomplished, expert, experienced, successful. What’s also true often is because they’re always striving for better for the business, organisations, and people they lead, they don’t spend much time acknowledging their achievements or considering their own personal desires, requirements, and wellbeing. 

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The only constant is change

The only constant is change

“I feel deep down that my life is going through a fluid period at the moment... lots of change coming... so need to embrace it and roll with it” 

These wise words from a coaching client put him in a position of power. Sometimes we have more change to cope with than others. While navigating change can be destabilizing and tiring, the choice to lean into it makes the journey easier and often quicker, too.  

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Wow, what a woman!

Wow, what a woman!

Mainly I avoid news and politics to protect the time, energy and spirit that enables me to contribute and enjoy life in the way I choose to. Important current affairs find their way to me of course.  

Today, inspired by a moment of delicious perfection and deep meaning in my life, I sat down to write. Since I started putting self-care at the top of my to-do list 10 years ago, such moments happen with increasing intensity and frequency. At these times writing helps me revel in it and maintain it.  

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Community, community, community

Community, community, community

Recently, on my dawn bike ride through the grounds of Newstead Abbey to the Mansfield and Ashfield 2020 Business Breakfast I felt ridiculously happy. It welled up in me as I pedaled. By the time I arrived at the venue, Portland College, I was high as a kite. 

Reflecting on it later, I see there were various factors that could’ve contributed to this uncommon happiness…

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