Wow, what a woman!

Mainly I avoid news and politics to protect the time, energy and spirit that enables me to contribute and enjoy life in the way I choose to. Important current affairs find their way to me of course.  

Today, inspired by a moment of delicious perfection and deep meaning in my life, I sat down to write. Since I started putting enjoyment and self-care at the top of my to-do list 10 years ago, such moments happen with increasing intensity and frequency. At these times, writing helps me revel in it and maintain it.  

This message from a client in response to my weekly e-mail was one of the things prompting my delight. It affirms that not only am I doing work I relish in a way that nourishes me, the impact of my work on my clients and the people they connect with, is precisely what I visioned when I set out on this chapter of my career and life.     

Feeling pretty elevated. Your voice and guidance is in my head more than I let you know. Thanks for everything.
— Message from a client

This is on the back of a rich and wonderful weekend away with my love —

Pre-burnout (it was that which preceded the change to prioritising self-care) my approach was much different.  

In times of success and achievement the old me would have been like “You must move fast, capitalise on this success phase. Leverage it in some way. Make the most of it or else you'll miss the opportunity and fall behind”.  

The new me is more “Take it in, allow it, appreciate, and enjoy where you are. This result is possible precisely because you are allowing space and time not rushing pushing hell for leather”. 

The new me asks “What is this experience inviting me to deepen and know?” 

Stand Down
(definition: relax after being ready or alert) 

A big part of the journey I take my clients on to live the life of their dreams is standing down.  

Letting go of the powerful and mostly unconscious urge to be in charge. Letting go of the compulsion to control outcomes. Of needing to be seen to have everything handled, to always know what’s best and strive and drive, towards it, to be on a constant push towards bigger, better, faster, more.  

In a way, it sounds easy, right? Doing less rather than more.  

Schooled as we are in success = flawless, relentless productivity, it’s quite the opposite! 

As I started writing, a friend called and mentioned that Jacinda Ardern had resigned saying that she no longer has enough fuel in the tank to do her job justice.

10 years ago at the age of 45, I burnt out. If I'd had the wisdom of Jacinda and stepped off the mouse wheel of my life at 42 I may have avoided the complete crash. As it was, in my case, it took being well and truly stopped in my tracks to make me wake up and eventually discover all the wonders that would be available on the other side of never stopping to catch breath. 

My friend added that Jacinda has come in for harsh criticism on social media.  

Of course she has, she's ahead of the curve.  

She’s doing something most people don’t allow themselves to do, which provokes huge discomfort in those onlookers.  

She is taking responsibility for herself and her choices. She is not so blinkered by her ego that she pushes on regardless.  

Wise. Brave. Responsible. 

How wise, brave, and responsible of Jacinda Ardern to acknowledge where she is after six years leading New Zealand.  

How impressive that she has the integrity and humility to recognise she needs a break and take one. 

It's completely in alignment with what I've heard of her over the years from my sisters residing in Auckland, and it's completely at odds with the deny “weakness”, mop up the mess, hide the evidence, business as usual, “it's all OK here”, fear-driven version of leadership we see more commonly.  

If you are noticing signs of wear and tear on your body / mind / spirit / relationships / quality of life from your high-achieving go-go-go lifestyle, consider this — rather than hiding the signs of burnout from yourself (and others) if you can find the strength, courage, and wisdom to take your foot off the gas for a while and allow life to unfold rather than force it to bend to your will, all manner of unknown riches will become accessible to you in perfect timing. 

Jacinda Ardhern is modelling a different way we can go about things.  

Given the numerous more familiar examples of what’s NOT working in global leadership, she makes a very refreshing and inspiring change. 

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