The bells and whistles

The bells and whistles

My business owning, family man, coaching client is undeniably successful by current measures. Yesterday, he told me how his friendship is back on track and he is meeting up with his mate for a private appointment at a place in Beverley Hills where they sell Rolex. My client and his friend are both collectors. That’s how he rolls. And he told me with some glee, through more related to his navigating the repaired friendship than to watches. 

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"I'm not doing enough"

"I'm not doing enough"

This simple phrase at once cunning and compelling is a perversion of our ancient lizard brains’ risk management system.

Is it familiar to you? Or any of its variations?

“Must learn more, try harder, be quicker, smarter, better, more on the case”

It seems so plausible, so true, especially when we have practised it for decades. It goes unnoticed.

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